Using the Speaker System
More Helpful Information
Adjusting the Speaker
1. Press the Power button on the back of the speaker to turn it on.
If you’re using the wireless transmitter, the indicator light on the front of the speaker blinks while the speaker is tuning to the transmitter. This indicator light turns solid blue when the speaker is tuned to the
Note: If the speaker is not tuned or if the transmitter is not connected properly, the indicator light will continue blinking. If this occurs, please see the Troubleshooting section of this manual.
If you’re using a direct connection to your audio source (via audio cable), all you need to do is start playback on your audio source‚ you should start hearing sound from the speaker.
IMPORTANT: The indicator light on the front of the speaker indicates the status of the wireless connection only. If you’re not using the transmitter (or if you’re out of range of the caP]b\XccTaXcfX[[ZTT_Q[X]ZX]Vd]cX[Xc ]SbcWTcaP]b\XccTaCWXbXb]^a\P[
2.Adjust the volume on the speaker as desired.
Note: Make sure your audio source is turned up at least to 75% of full volume (but not so loud that the sound becomes distorted).
3.If you’re using the wireless transmitter, set up the speaker for mono or stereo operation using the switch on the bottom of the AWS53 speaker.
a)Monaural operation: The monaural mode (mono) is recommended when using a single AWS53 by itself. For monaural operation, set the L/M/R switch to “M” on each speaker.
b)Stereo operation: You need an additional AWS53 speaker for the stereo option. Set the L/M/R switch to “L” on the speaker located to the left from the listener, and set the other speaker to the “R” position.
About Fixed-Level Audio Outputs
7Ón[Z#b[l[b"ehb_d[#b[l[b"WkZ_eekjfkj_iYedi_Z[h[Z_Z[Wbi_dY[_jfhel_Z[iWdWkZ_ei_]dWb unchanged by adjustments to the audio source volume control.
Hint: When connecting to the audio outputs of a DVD player, remember that the DVD player must be showing a TV channel for sound to be produced.
About Variable-Level Audio Outputs:
Hint: On most
Hint: Most TVs, regardless of age or price, have variable outputs. If you are unsure which ^Uh^daCEPdSX^^dc_dcbXb gTSaTUTac^cWTCEX]bcadRcX^]\P]dP[B^\TCEbWPeT ^dc_dcbcWPcRP]bfXcRWQTcfTT]ePaXPQ[TP]S gTSFWT]VXeT]PRW^XRT gTSXbP[fPhb
The following troubleshooting guide takes you through some of the more common problems associated with the installation and/or operation of a wireless system. If the problem persists, please call
The speaker automatically retunes if it loses the transmitter’s signal. You can also press the AutoScan button on the back of the speaker to retune the speaker at any time.
The transmitter turns off automatically if there is no audio signal present for a prolonged period.
Interference in the form of static and/or distortion can sometimes be heard. If this occurs, R^] a\cWTcaP]b\XccTab_TPZTaPSYdbc\T]cbP]SX]SXRPc^ab8UcWT_a^Q[T\_TabXbcbaTUTac^cWT Troubleshooting section of this manual.
Turning the Speaker Off
1. Press Power button on the back of the speaker to turn the speaker off.
($ 9edÓhcj^Wjj^[if[Wa[h_ie\\Xol[h_\o_d]j^Wjj^[_dZ_YWjehb_]^jedj^[if[Wa[hÊi\hedj panel is no longer illuminated.
Issue: | Cause and solution: |
No sound | 9^[Yaj^Wjj^[jhWdic_jj[h79fem[hWZWfj[h_i\kbbo_di[hj[Z_djej^[mWbbekjb[jWdZ |
| j^[fem[hYehZ\hecj^[79WZWfj[h_iÓhcboYedd[Yj[Zjej^[jhWdic_jj[hfem[h |
| input jack. |
| 9edÓhcj^Wjj^[if[Wa[h_ijkhd[ZedWdZjkd[Zjej^[jhWdic_jj[hÆ |
| the indicator light on the front of the speaker should be solid blue (not blinking). |
| ?\oekÊh[ki_d]j^[fem[hWZWfj[hi"YedÓhcj^WjXej^\ehj^[if[Wa[hWdZ\ehj^[ |
| transmitter) are fully inserted into their wall outlets and the adapter power cords are |
| ÓhcboYedd[Yj[Zjej^[fem[h_dfkj`WYaiedj^[jhWdic_jj[hehif[Wa[h$ |
| or |
| ?\oekÊh[ki_d]XWjj[h_[i\ehj^[if[Wa[h"Y^[Yaj^Wjj^[oWh[\h[i^WdZ_di[hj[Zm_j^ |
| correct polarity (+, |
| 9^[Yaj^Wjj^[WkZ_eiekhY[Yecfed[djij[h[e"CF)fbWo[h"[jY$_ijkhd[ZedWdZ |
| transmitting sound as it normally should. |
| CWa[ikh[j^[lebkc[edoekhWkZ_eiekhY[_ijkhd[Zkf$ |
| 9^[Yaj^Wjj^[if[Wa[hlebkc[_ijkhd[Zkf$ |
| ?\oekWh[ki_d]WJWf[(Ced_jehekjfkj\hecoekhh[Y[_l[h%WcfWij^[WkZ_e |
| output, check that you have pressed the Tape Monitor/Tape 2 button on the front of |
| the receiver. This will turn on the Tape 2 outputs, which may not have been active. |
Issue: | Cause and solution: |
No sound/ | M^[dki_d]XWjj[hofem[h"cWa[ikh[j^[XWjj[h_[iWh[\h[i^WdZh[fbWY[_\ |
distortion/ | necessary. |
static | 9^[Yaj^Wjj^[if[Wa[hÊi_dZ_YWjehb_]^j_iieb_ZXbk[dejXb_da_d]m^[dWdWkZ_e |
| |
| source is connected to the transmitter |
| 9^Wd][j^[fei_j_ede\j^[Y^Wdd[bi[b[Yjim_jY^'"(eh)jeY^Wd][j^[ef[hWj_d] |
| frequency. Then press the AutoScan button on the speaker’s back panel to make the |
| speaker retune. |
| 9^Wd][j^[beYWj_ede\j^[jhWdic_jj[h$FbWY[_jWi^_]^WdZWmWo\heceXijhkYj_edi |
| as possible. Avoid placing the transmitter directly on top of or behind a TV. |
| Cel[j^[jhWdic_jj[hWdZif[Wa[hYbei[hje][j^[h$I[dZ_d]j^[i_]dWbj^hek]^ |
| certain materials, such as glass, tile, and metal, can decrease the effective |
| transmitting distance of the system. |