239 H4R | JOBAID |
| 0205 |
| 239 H4R |
| CLEI: T1R5YP3D_ _ |
| 239 H4R |
| 1221445L1 |
#61221445L1 | LP1 |
NET | |
LP2 | |
LP1 | |
CUST | |
LP2 | |
LP1/LP2 NET ● Off | No span power present |
● Solid Green | Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than the user defined SNR |
| Margin Alarm Threshold |
✷ Fast Blinking | (Blinking 3 times per second) Attempting to synchronize with the |
Green |
✷Slow Blinking (Blinking 1 time per second) Synchronized with an SNR margin
Green | greater than the user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold and the |
| pulse attenuation is greater than the user defined Loop Attenuation |
| Alarm Threshold |
● Solid Yellow | Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than 0 dB but less than |
| the user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold |
✷Slow Blinking Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than 0 dB but less than the
Yellow | user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold and the pulse attenuation |
| is greater than the user defined Loop Attenuation Alarm Threshold |
● Solid Red | Synchronized with an SNR margin of 0 dB |
✷Slow Blinking (Blinking 1 time per second) Synchronized with an SNR margin of 0 dB
Red | and the pulse attenuation is greater than the user defined Loop |
| Attenuation Alarm Threshold |
LP1/LP2 CUST ● Off | No span power present |
● Solid Green | Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than the user defined SNR |
| Margin Alarm Threshold |
Pin No. | Designation | Description | Pin No. | Designation | Description |
1 | GND | Ground | 7 | NC | No Connection |
2 | NC | No Connection | 8 | T | Network Loop 2 Tip |
3 | T1 | Customer Loop 1 Tip | 9 | R | Network Loop 2 Ring |
4 | R1 | Customer Loop 1 Ring | 10 | GND | Ground |
5 | T1 | Network Loop 1 Tip | 11 | T | Customer Loop 2 Tip |
6 | R1 | Network Loop 1 Ring | 12 | R | Customer Loop 2 Ring |
Refer to the Installation and Maintenance Practice of the
LL /RL |
(Y) (G) |
C A U T I O N !
| ✷ Fast Blinking | (Blinking 3 times per second) Attempting to synchronize with the |
| Green |
| ✷ Slow Blinking | (Blinking 1 time per second) Synchronized with an SNR margin |
| Green | greater than the user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold and the |
| pulse attenuation is greater than the user defined Loop Attenuation |
| Alarm Threshold |
| ● Solid Yellow | Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than 0 dB but less than the |
| user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold |
| ✷ Slow Blinking | Synchronized with an SNR margin greater than 0 dB but less than the |
| Yellow | user defined SNR Margin Alarm Threshold and the pulse attenuation |
| is greater than the user defined Loop Attenuation Alarm Threshold |
| ● Solid Red | Synchronized with an SNR margin of 0 dB |
| ✷ Slow Blinking | (Blinking 1 time per second) Synchronized with an SNR margin of 0 dB |
| Red | and the pulse attenuation is greater than the user defined Loop |
| Attenuation Alarm Threshold |
LL/RL | ● Green | Indicates a loopback at the H4R toward the |
| ● Yellow | Indicates a loopback at the H4R toward the |
| ✷ Blinking | Armed but not in loopback. |
| Yellow |
■ For a complete Installation and Maintenance Practice (P/N