MX410/MX412 System Manual Drop and Continue Application
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 3-5
Figure 3-4 shows the Quick Setup menu after DS0s 21-22 have been dropped from DS1 1 to PPP1, DS0s 23-24 have been dropped from DS1 1 to the V.35 port. Figure 3-4. Drop and Continue Quick Setup ExampleFigure 3-5 shows the DS1 1 Cross-Connect Mapping menu after the PPP1 and V.35 interface have been mapped.Figure 3-5. Drop and Continue Cross-Connect Mapping Example 1 MX410 MM/DD/YY HH:MM
Active Alarms: CRITICAL MINOR ID: MX410
Quick Setup
1 - PPPs
PPP 1 = DS1 4 DS0 #1
2 - V.35 =
3 - System ID
4 - IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
5 - Default Gateway :
6 - Date
7 - Time 8 - Cross-Connect Mapping
Selection : '?' - System Help Screen
Active Alarms: CRITICAL ID: MX410
Cross-Connect Mapping
DS1 1
1 - DS0 #1 = 13 - DS0 #13 =
2 - DS0 #2 = 14 - DS0 #14 =
3 - DS0 #3 = 15 - DS0 #15 =
4 - DS0 #4 = 16 - DS0 #16 =
5 - DS0 #5 = 17 - DS0 #17 =
6 - DS0 #6 = 18 - DS0 #18 =
7 - DS0 #7 = 19 - DS0 #19 =
8 - DS0 #8 = 20 - DS0 #20 =
9 - DS0 #9 = 21 - DS0 #21 = PPP 1
10 - DS0 #10 = 22 - DS0 #22 = PPP 1
11 - DS0 #11 = 23 - DS0 #23 = V.35
12 - DS0 #12 = 24 - DS0 #24 = V.35
(T)oggle View (DS1 2, DS1 3, DS1 4, Ports) 25 - Map Multiple DS0's
Selection : '?' - System Help Screen