MX410/MX412 System Manual Menu Descriptions
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-19
Alarm Pass ThruTable 5-6. DS1 Provisioning Menu Options
Option Description Function
1Line Length This option sets the line length (line build out) for each port inter-
face according to the distance from the MX410/MX412 to the other
Options for line length are as follows:
1 - Set line length from 0 to 133 feet
2 - Set line length from 133 to 266 feet
3 - Set line length from 266 to 399 feet
4 - Set line length from 399 to 533 feet
5 - Set line length from 533 to 655 feet
6 - –22.5 dB
•7 -15 dB
8 - –7.5 dB
•9 - 0 dB
2Line Coding This option sets the line code for each individual port interface to
match the connected device.
Options for line coding are as follows:
•1 - AMI
•2 - B8ZS
3Loopback Detection This option enables or disables whether a port responds to CSU
and FDL loopback requests coming from the network.
4Framing This option sets the framing. Options for framing are as follows:
1 - ESF (Extended Super Frame)
2 - SF (Super Frame).
5SNMP Line Status
This option enables or disables the SNMP line status trap state.
6SNMP Link Status
This option enables or disables the SNMP link status trap state.
7Circuit ID This option contains a user-configurable text string field to name
the selected port. This field accepts up to 32 alphanumeric charac-
ters, including spaces and special characters.
8Interface State This option is viewed using the Toggle command and sets the
interface state to either enabled or disabled.
9Alarm Pass Thru This option enables or disables semi-transparency for visibility
through the cross connect to remote devices. This option enables
the selected DS1 to transmit RAI when any cross-connected DS1 is
in alarm or receiving RAI.