1.3 Specification
zCompatibility: USB v1.1 standard
zInterface: Network: USB
Serial: RS232
zConnector: Network:
zTransmission speed: 75bps to 115.2Kbps
zPower Consumption : 155mA@5V(typical)
zParity bit: Odd, Even, Mark, Space, None
zData bit: 5, 6, 7, 8
zStop bit : 1, 1.5 , 2
zError detection: Parity error, frame error, serial break
zIsolation protection: 2,500 Vdc
zCase: ABS with captive mounting hardware
zOperating temperature: 0° to 70° C
zStorage Temperature:
zOperating Humidity: 20% to 95%
zStorage Humidity: 0% to 95%
1.4 Package Checklist
zADAM series CD
zOne Type A to Type B USB cable
zSECC Panel Mounting Bracket
If you have any questions about USB standard, please refer to the web Site: www.usb.org