AEG S83200CMW0 user manual What To Do If…, Defrosting of the freezer

Models: S83200CMW0

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Defrosting of the freezer

What to do if… 19

It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel to prevent the water over- flowing and dripping onto the food inside. Use the special cleaner provided, which you will find already inserted into the drain hole.

Defrosting of the freezer

The freezer compartment of this model, on the other hand, is a "no frost" type. This means that there is no buildup of frost when it is in operation, neither on the internal walls nor on the foods.

The absence of frost is due to the continuous circulation of cold air inside the compart- ment, driven by an automatically controlled fan.



Before troubleshooting, disconnect the power supply.

Only a qualified electrician or competent person must do the troubleshooting that is not in this manual.

There are some sounds during normal use (compressor, refrigerant circulation).



Possible cause








The appliance is noisy.


The appliance is not supported


Check if the appliance stands sta-





ble (all the four feet should be on





the floor).






The compressor operates


The Temperature regulator may


Set a warmer temperature.



be set incorrectly.










The door is not closed correctly.


Refer to "Closing the door".








The door has been opened too


Do not keep the door open longer





than necessary.








The product temperature is too


Let the product temperature de-





crease to room temperature be-





fore storage.






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AEG S83200CMW0 user manual What To Do If…, Defrosting of the freezer