S11 A,B,C and S22 A,B,C
S11 A, B,C and S22 A,B,C correspond to the S11 and S22 reflection calibrations for port 1 and port 2 respectively. These three classes are used by the Agilent 8510 to solve for the systematic errors; directivity, source match, and reflection tracking. The three classes used by the
Table 2 contains the class assignment for the WR- 62 waveguide cal kit. The 1/8 λ offset short (stan- dard #1) is assigned to S11A. The 3/8 λ offset short (standard #2) is assigned to S11B. The matched load (standard #3) is assigned to S11C.
Forward transmission match and thru
Forward Transmission (Match and Thru) classes correspond to the forward (port 1 to port 2) trans- mission and reflection measurement of the “delay/thru” standard in a FULL
The class assignments for the
Reverse transmission match and thru
Reverse Transmission (Match and Thru) classes correspond to the reverse transmission and reflec- tion measurement of the “delay/thru” standard. For
The class assignments for the
Isolation is simply the leakage from port 1 to port 2 internal to the test set.
To determine the leakage signals (crosstalk), each port should be terminated with matched loads while measuring S21 and S12.
The class assignments for forward and reverse iso- lation are both loads (standard #3).
Frequency response
Frequency Response is a single class which corre- sponds to a
The Frequency Response calibration is not a sim- ple frequency normalization. A normalized response is a mathematical comparison between measured data and stored data. The important dif- ference is, that when a standard with
Therefore, the