LAN Interface Supplement 5-9
Accessing the Analyzer's Dynamic Data Disk
Copying Programs to and from the Analyzer
Copying and Running a Program with OneCommandYou can create an IBASIC program or a file with a list of SCPI
commands on your computer, and then copy and automatically run it by
using the prog_run.bas andprog_run.scp files.
To copy the IBASIC program ib_prog to the analyzer and immediately
run it, follow the instructions below:
1. On your computer or workstation, access the analyzer by typing ftp
<hostname>. Enter your user name and password. For example, type
ftp my8712
user name
where my8712 is the <hostname>,user name is your login name,
and password is your user password. See “Using FTP to Access the
Analyzer” on page 4-3 for instructions on how to do this.
2. Type cd data at the ftp prompt.
3. Type put ib_prog prog_run.bas at the prompt. This copies your
program to the analyzer and immediately runs it.
4. You can also copy a file with a list of SCPI commands to the
prog_run.scp data file and the commands will be executed
immediately. See your analyzer'sProgrammer's Guide for a list of
SCPI commands.
The file you copy to "prog_run.scp" should simply be a list of SCPI
commands. Following is an example file containing SCPI commands:
These commands set the analyzer to measure transmission, place a
marker on the maximum point, and then set the measurement trace
to autoscale mode.
NOTE Avoid the use of queries, as there is no way to read back the analyzer's