Aiphone JK-1MD operation manual Warranty

Models: JK-1MD

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Aiphone warrants thats its products have no material or workmanship defects under normal use conditions for two years after delivery to the end user. Aiphone will perform repair or replacement free of charge if the product is defective and the warranty applies to the defect. Aiphone reserves unto itself the sole right to make the final decision whether there is a defect in materials and/or workmanship and whether or not the product is under warranty. This warranty shall not apply to any Aiphone product which has been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, or to use in violation of instructions furnished, nor extended to units which have been repaired or altered outside of the factory. This warranty does not cover batteries or damage caused by batteries used in connection with the unit. This warranty only includes carry-in repairs. Any repairs must be made at the shop or place designated in writing by Aiphone. Aiphone will not be responsible for any costs incurred during on-site service calls. Aiphone will not provide compensation for any loss or damage incurred by the breakdown or malfunction of its products during use, or for any consequent inconvenience or losses that may result.

The object area of is the EU.


Aiphone garantit que ce produit ne présente pas de défaut matériel ou de fabrication dans des conditions normales d'utilisation pendant les deux années suivant la livraison à l'utilisateur final. Aiphone en effectuera gratuitement la réparation ou le remplacement si le produit est défectueux et que la garantie s'applique pour le défaut. Aiphone se réserve le droit exclusif de décider s’il existe ou non un défaut de matière ou de fabrication et si l’appareil est ou non couvert par la garantie. Cette garantie ne s’applique pas à tout produit Aiphone qui a été l’objet d’une utilisation impropre, de négligence, d’un accident ou qui a été utilisé en dépit des instructions fournies; elle ne couvre pas non plus les appareils qui ont été réparés ou modifiés en dehors de l’usine. Cette garantie ne couvre pas les piles ni les dégâts infligés par les piles utilisées dans l’appareil. Cette garantie comprend uniquement les réparations en atelier. Toutes les réparations doivent être réalisées à l'atelier ou au site désigné par écrit par Aiphone. Aiphone décline toute responsabilité en cas de frais encourus pour les dépannages à domicile. Aiphone n’indemnisera pas le client en cas de pertes, de dommages ou de désagréments causés par une panne ou un dysfonctionnement d’un de ses produits.

La zone d’application de est l’UE.


Aiphone garantiza que sus productos no tienen defectos de material ni de mano de obra bajo condiciones de uso normal durante dos años tras su entrega al usuario final. Aiphone realizará la reparación o cambio libre de costo si el producto está defectuoso y la garantía se aplica al defecto. AIPHONE se reserva el derecho de tomar la decisión final de si hay o no defectos de material y/o de mano de obra, y de si el producto está o no cubierto por la garantía. Esta garantía no cubre ningún producto AIPHONE que haya sido mal utilizado, descuidado, accidentado, o empleado violando las instrucciones suministradas; la garantía tampoco se aplica a unidades que hayan sido reparadas o alteradas por personas fuera de la fábrica. Esta garantía no cubre las pilas ni los daños causados por pilas utilizadas asociadas a la unidad. Esta garantía sólo incluye reparaciones acarreadas por el cliente. Todas las reparaciones deben realizarse en el taller o lugar que Aiphone designe por escrito. Aiphone no se responsabilizará de los gastos generados durante llamadas de servicio. Aiphone no indemnizará por ninguna pérdida o daño en que se incurra debido a la avería o falla de sus productos durante su uso, ni por ningún inconveniente o pérdida que se produzca como consecuencia.

El área del objeto es la EU.



Aiphone garandeert dat zijn producten onder normale gebruiksomstandigheden gedurende twee jaar na levering aan de eindgebruiker vrij zijn van materiaal- of fabricagefouten. Aiphone zal het product kosteloos herstellen of vervangen als het defect is en de garantie van toepassing is op het defect. Aiphone behoudt zich het recht voor om als enige definitief te bepalen of er al dan niet sprake is van een materiaal- en/of fabricagefout; en of het product nog onder garantie is. Deze garantie geldt niet voor een Aiphone-product dat is blootgesteld aan verkeerd gebruik, verwaarlozing, een ongeval of verkeerde bediening en evenmin voor toestellen die buiten de fabriek zijn hersteld of gewijzigd. Deze garantie geldt niet voor batterijen of schade veroorzaakt door batterijen die in het toestel zijn gebruikt. Deze garantie geldt uitsluitend voor herstellingen die worden ingeleverd en opgehaald door de klant. Alle herstellingen moeten worden uitgevoerd in de winkel of op de plaats die schriftelijk is aangeduid door Aiphone. Kosten die gepaard gaan met herstellingen ter plaatse kunnen niet worden verhaald op Aiphone. Er kan geen schadeloosstelling van Aiphone worden geëist voor enig verlies of schade als gevolg van een defect of storing tijdens het gebruik van zijn producten, of voor enig ongemak of verlies dat hieruit voortvloeit.

Het toepassingsgebied van is de EU.



La Aiphone garantisce che i suoi prodotti saranno privi di difetti nei materiali o nella lavorazione, in condizioni di utilizzo normali, per un periodo di due anni dalla consegna all’utente finale. La Aiphone eseguirà la riparazione o la sostituzione gratuita del prodotto qualora tale prodotto debba risultare difettoso e la garanzia sia applicabile al difetto rilevato. La Aiphone si riserva il diritto esclusivo di stabilire in via definitiva se sono presenti difetti nei materiali e/o nella lavorazione e se il prodotto è coperto dalla garanzia oppure no. La presente garanzia non è applicabile ad alcun prodotto Aiphone che sia stato sottoposto ad uso improprio, negligenza, incidente, o che sia stato utilizzato in violazione alle istruzioni fornite, né può essere estesa alle unità che sono state riparate o manomesse al di fuori della fabbrica. Questa garanzia non copre le batterie né i danni causati dalle batterie usate in connessione con l’unità. Questa garanzia copre solo le riparazioni del prodotto consegnato presso il punto designato. Le eventuali riparazioni devono essere eseguite presso l’officina o il luogo designato per iscritto dalla Aiphone. La Aiphone non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile di eventuali costi sostenuti in caso di chiamata per l’assistenza sul posto. La Aiphone non offrirà alcun compenso per gli eventuali danni o perdite subiti a causa della rottura o del guasto dei suoi prodotti durante l’uso, o per qualsiasi disagio o perdita conseguente che si dovesse verificare.

L’area oggetto del è l’UE.

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Aiphone JK-1MD operation manual Warranty

JK-1MD specifications

The Aiphone JK-1MD is an advanced intercom system designed to enhance home security and communication. With its modern aesthetics and robust functionality, this device stands out in the realm of intercom technology. One of the key features of the JK-1MD is its high-definition video capability. The unit boasts a 7-inch color LCD screen, providing recipients with a clear and vibrant view of visitors at their doorstep. This significant improvement over standard intercom systems allows homeowners to visually verify who is at the door before deciding to interact.

Another notable characteristic of the Aiphone JK-1MD is its two-way audio communication. The device is equipped with a high-quality microphone and speaker that facilitate clear conversations, ensuring that users can communicate effortlessly with visitors or delivery personnel. Additionally, the system supports multiple indoor monitors, allowing residents to connect multiple units throughout their home, ensuring that they can always hear the doorbell, even from distant rooms.

The JK-1MD includes a door release feature, enabling users to unlock the door remotely using their intercom system. This is particularly convenient for welcoming guests indoors without the need to physically walk to the door. The device also supports a variety of compatible door stations, enhancing its functionality and adaptability to different home setups.

One of the system's significant technological advancements is its integration with smartphone applications. Users can connect the device to their mobile phones, allowing them to receive alerts and view video feeds while away from home, providing peace of mind and added security.

The Aiphone JK-1MD is also designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its intuitive interface ensures that individuals of all ages can navigate the settings and features with ease. Furthermore, with simple installation requirements and compatibility with existing Aiphone products, it can be seamlessly integrated into both new and existing security systems.

In conclusion, the Aiphone JK-1MD intercom system combines cutting-edge technology with practical features, offering a reliable solution for home communication and security. With its high-definition video, two-way audio, remote door release capabilities, and smartphone integration, it proves to be an essential asset in modern homes.