uPHolStERY tool:
Cleans upholstered furniture, drapes, mattresses,
and even works well on vehicle upholstery and carpets.
Won’t seal to the floor or furniture, keeping the air flow neces-
sary for effective cleaning.
intEGRatEd tElESCoPiC Wand:
Attach any of your standard suction tools such as the upholstery tool or dusting brush
for whatever cleaning needs you may have.
tool CaddY:
Adds portable convenience by allowing multiple tools to be
carried on the wand for quicker and easier access.
To attach: Snap caddy onto wand at an angle (beveled side
first), then slip attachments and tools onto caddy pegs. when
clipping it onto wand, attach it so that the two-peg side faces
up, while the single-peg side faces down the wand. This will
keep your tools on better.
mESH tool CaddY baG:
Holds accessories and tools making
them more manageable.
For storing and transporting tools & accessories.
Accessories shown may not be to scale.