Pointer location

Mark the checkbox to show current touch data.

Show touches

Mark the checkbox to show visual feedback for touches.

Show screen updates

Mark the checkbox to flash relative screen areas when they update.

Show CPU usage

Mark the checkbox to show current CPU usage.

Force GPU rendering

Mark the checkbox to use 2D hardware acceleration in applications.

Window animation scale

Touch to adjust the animation scale for your window.

Transition animation scale

Touch to adjust the animation scale while performing transition.

Don't keep activities

Mark the checkbox to destroy all activities as soon as you leave.

Background process limit

Touch to change the limit for background processes.

Show all ANRs

Mark the checkbox to show "Application Not Responding" dialog for background applications.

11.4.4About phone

This contains information about things ranging from Legal information, Model number, Firmware version, Baseband version, Kernel version, Build number to those listed below:

System updates

Touch to check for system updates.


This contains the status of the Battery status, Battery level, My phone number, Network, Signal strength, etc.

Legal information

Touch to view legal information.