Innovative 3D user-interfaces
The 3th dimention will bring new opportunities for advanced user interfaces. New ways of representing information and browsing through content, enabled with personalizations will give the user a better control to sellect the right video content out of the huge amount of data both on
Figure 4: Natural 3D User interfaces
Towards Free-View-Point TV
The ultimate goal is to come to a real
During sport events the user will be able to select his own viewing position and be able to replay crucial scenes from any angle they want.
Figure 4: Free-View-Point TV
BENEFIT: 3D TVs will be one of the technologies which would initiate a new era for digital television. This technology brings a new television experience with a higher immersion of the viewer. In addition, it also opens new opportunities for natural user interfaces and new 3D services.
Fixed Access Domain
Telle que nous la connaissons actuellement, la télévision par Internet (IPTV) présente peu de différences avec la télévision analogique. Cependant, la technologie IPTV possède intrinsèquement un potentiel de croissance immense en matière de nouveaux services et de personnalisation. Les écrans 3D