12 • 3 Currency converter
Using the currency converter, you can:
•Convert a currency directly into euros and vice versa.
•Convert an amount into another currency (e.g. convert dollars to French francs).
Conversion example
C a l c u l a t o r
C o n v e r t e r
C a l c u l a t o r
Select the | Confirm | Select the | Confirm | |
“Calculator” |
| “Converter” |
| |
icon |
| option |
Euros | converter |
| |
Other | currencies |
| |
| Set up |
Select the type | Confirm | Select | Confirm | |
of conversion to |
| conversion type |
| |
be performed |
| |
| Amount? |
100 |
| 100 FF |
| 15.24 |
Enter the value | Confirm | Display result |
| |
to be converted |
12 |