Troubleshooting Using Debug Systrace Troubleshooting Authenticated VLANs
page 18-6 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
Initiate the Telnet Authentication
-> 2394037098 AAA debug1 Send AAA_HDL_MGT_USER_REQ
2394037225 AAA debug1 Message succefully sent
2394037384 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ProcessHdlMsg
2394037565 AAA debug1 AVLAN begin Evt : Req,St : IDLE, name : Avlan ses
2394037621 AAA debug3 aaaAvlanUserReq ses rec 0x3ef, Avlan ses 0x60008
2394037675 AAA debug1 Ctx admin removed from No link, set in MAC link
2394037721 AAA debug3 aaaAvlanFormatSendAuthReq
2394037768 AAA debug1 Send Auth. Req. to AAA name : admin, Avlan ses 60008
2394080316 AAA debug12394080448 AVLAAAAN end St : WAIT RESP, name :
admin, Ret = OKdebug1 begin Authent Evt : Req, St : IDLE, name : admin, Rec ses
: 60008/ (TRUNCATED)
2394277037 AAA debug3 Entering in aaaAuthentReq
2394321109 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ProcessAuthent
2394385614 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_FormatSendAuthReq
2394451209 AAA debug1 Send Auth/Log to RADIUS for admin, Refser:0x2 AAA ses
23945393902394539440 AAAAAA debug1deb ug3AAA_Serv>> Ctx a dmin removed
from N[RAD] radMain : messo link, set in Chal_age received from AARsp linkA
23947124523947125147 AAAAAA debug1info End Authent Evt St : WAIT
RESP1, name :[RAD] Message Authen admin, ses : 60008/tication Request - m 7,
Ret = OKsgID = 140026 - received from(TRUNCATED)
2394930753 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : id = 7
2394997268 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 1
2395083317 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 2
2395148871 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : RADIUS client address =
2395234856 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 4
2395323003 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 5
2395387501 AAA info [RAD] rad_buildauth: port 1 added to access-request
2395474782 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=7, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
2395562721 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=7, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
2395671413 AAA debug3 [RAD] radProcPkt: Got a reply from Radius server , id =
7, code 2, length 59
2395779908 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 25, length 27
2395845441 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: classe (_SBR-CL DN="ADMIN" AT="0"_)
2395955105 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 26, length 12
2396019598 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Xylan-specific attribute type 1,
length 6
2396106681 AAA info [RAD] radAddAuthGroup :numOfVlans=1, groupeNbr=103,
2396216328 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: RADIUS authentication succeeded
2396302335 AAA info [RAD] radSendMsgToAaa : message Authentication Reply -
msgID = 140046(TRUNCATED)
2396412150 AAA debug3 in aaa_DispatchClientRsp,msgId=0x140046
2396499091 AAA debug1 begin Authent Evt : Auth Reply Ok, St : WAIT RESP1,
name : admin, Rec(TRUNCATED)
2396607639 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_AuthRspOK
2396650688 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ReplyHdlMgt
2396716214 AAA debug1 Send auth Success, session 60008
23967818172396781906 AAAAAA debug1debug3 AVLAN begin Evt : AEntering in
aaa_useruth Reply Ok,St : WAReturnST_IDLEIT RESP, name : admin Avla2396933365n
se(TRUNC ATED)AAA 2396977 445debug1 AAAAAA_S erv>> Ctx admin r emoved from