OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page -25
Fabric Slot Extraction
This state assumes that there are five fabric slots occupied, with one fabric card serving as the redundant
card. Roma Driver will have already set up the operational Roma chip set to use built-in hot swap
handling. Upon extraction of fabric card, most of the hot swap handling is done by Roma ASIC logic. The
performs the following tasks when a fabric card is removed:
Recover the new fabric slot set state since the operational fabric may change.
Report fabric slot states to Chassis Supervision.
Change hot swap settings on the master since a standby slot is no longer present.
On operational fabric set changes, update flow control settings.
NI Slot Insertion
When a new NI card is inserted, Roma Driver will attempt to disturb existing fabric traffic as little as
possible. The following tasks are performed: Remove perpetual coupons for NI.
Setup Calendars and Flow Control for New NI
Restart Calendar Manager.
Enable transmit and take internal blocks out of reset for NI.
Acquire links to all Coronados on the NI.
NI Slot Extraction
When an NI card is extracted, Roma Driver performs the following tasks:
Set perpetual coupons to drain traffic for NI.
Disable transmit and put internal blocks in reset for NI.
Remove auto link acquisition mechanism for NI.
CMM Takeover and Hot Swap
Following a good takeover or CMM hot swap, the primary objective of the Roma Driver is to disturb the
Roma ASICs as little as possible. If the takeover results in an irrecoverable fabric-related failure, the
driver attempts to detect this condition and execute a “reload all” to the chassis. The following tasks are
Recover the new fabric slot set state since it is unknown to the secondary driver.
Monitor the Roma ASIC registers to detect fatal error condition.
Send reload all message to chassis supervision if fatal error detected.