Chassis Management Module (CMM)
page -30 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
MiniBoot contains VX Works Operating system
Performs the following tasks:
Post Mortem Dump (PMD) Processing to save as much diagnostic as possible in the FFS after a system
Hardware diagnostics to determine if all the boards are operational at boot time.
Image Rollback to select either the current uncommitted (working) software release or the previously-
committed (certified) release.
Loads the VX Works and passes the control to VX Works
On error, the miniboot returns to the “Boot ROM” step to allow the user to load new software into the
flash memory.
AOS Start
AOS executes to initialize and start up the system based on the command file which contains:
Socket Send mechanism: allows sending messages to all CMM and NI processors in the Falcon
The System services fault management code
The System services timer facility
The chassis manager
Specific services like telnetd, ftpd, cli and snmp
Chassis Manager Component of System Services
Discover the number of slots, daughter boards, power, temperature and other environmental factors
Discover the NI boards
Discover the primary/backup processor status of CMM. If secondary then does not load NI boards and
all processes are started in secondary mode.
AOS startup code selects the modules to load from the FFS.
After starting all services System Services Fault Manager acts as a “health monitor” and exchanges
messages with objects in the system to make sure they are working properly.
CMM Reload of NI Module
CMM reloads the NI when:
CMM Chassis Manger detects a board that does not have the images loaded.
User enters explicit command to reload the NI.
CMM fail over happens and the configurations/images were not synchronized between Primary and
Secondary CMM.