OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page -187
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> UserDefined Task Id -> 3571290
Address -> 1adcc38 Size -> 10
46 69 72 73 74 20 69 74 65 72 61 74 69 6f 6e a
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> UserDefined Task Id -> 3571290
Address -> 1adcc50 Size -> 11
53 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 69 74 65 72 61 74 69 6f 6e a
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->356b990
Record Type -> TaskName Task Id -> 356b990
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->356b990
Record Type -> StackCheck Task Id -> 356b990
------------ ------------ -------- ----- ----- ----- ------
tLogTask logTask 356b990 8176 976 1168 7008
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->356b990
Record Type -> StackTrace Task Id -> 356b990
e371c vxTaskEntry +c : logTask (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
100cac logTask +2c : msgQReceive (1b8c00, 356b820, 20, ffffffff,
&fppTaskRegsCFmt, 9e)
130578 msgQReceive +278: qJobGet (10000003, ffffffff, 7a000400, 1b8c00, 1ed400,
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->356b990
Record Type -> TaskInfo Task Id -> 356b990
Address -> 0 Size -> 40
task id= 356b990
task priority= 0
task status= 2
task option bits= 6
original entry point of task= 100c80
size of stack in bytes= 1ff0
current stack usage in bytes= 3d0
maximum stack usage in bytes= 490
current stack margin in bytes = 1b60
most recent task error status = 0
delay/timeout ticks = 0
saved stack pointer= 356b5c0
the bottom of the stack= 356b990
the effective end of the stack= 35699a0
the actual end of the stack= 3569990