page -186 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
Record Type -> MemoryData Address -> 1b2b74 Size -> c4
0 0 0 7 0 6e 31 3d 3 3e df 5 0 0 37 54 0 0 18 b6 0 0 11 87 0 0 7a 88
0 0 2c 4f
0 0 c7 58 0 0 58 40 0 0 53 fc 0 0 b9 f0 0 0 d6 71 0 7 4c 54 0 6 a6 48
0 d c3 20
0 4e 6f 24 0 0 9e c5 0 23 2a 2 0 5 77 c4 0 2 91 f1 0 1 63 8 0 7 d 8
0 4 2c 6
0 9 3e d4 0 e dd 7e 0 24 2d 4 0 2a 43 e0 0 a1 4 89 0 80 1c d7 1 7e c1 dd
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2f
3 18 42 50
3 43 8 d0 0 0 0 0 3 43 9 18 2 6a 7e 38 0 0 0 0 3 43 8 e8 2 21 42 b0
3 43 7 90
3 18 15 0
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> TaskName Task Id -> 3571290
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> StackCheck Task Id -> 3571290
------------ ------------ -------- ----- ----- ----- ------
tExcTask excTask 3571290 19984 976 3488 16496
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> StackTrace Task Id -> 3571290
e371c vxTaskEntry +c : excTask (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
fb304 excTask +24 : msgQReceive (1b8c00, 3571120, 1c, ffffffff, 0, 0)
130578 msgQReceive +278: qJobGet (10000003, ffffffff, 7a000400, 1b8c00, 1ed400,
Registration Type ->Task Task No. ->3571290
Record Type -> TaskInfo Task Id -> 3571290
Address -> 0 Size -> 40
task id= 3571290
task priority= 0
task status= 2
task option bits= 7
original entry point of task= fb2e0
size of stack in bytes= 4e10
current stack usage in bytes= 3d0
maximum stack usage in bytes= da0
current stack margin in bytes = 4070
most recent task error status = 3d0001
delay/timeout ticks = 0
saved stack pointer= 3570ec0
the bottom of the stack= 3571290
the effective end of the stack= 356c480
the actual end of the stack= 356c470