OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page -185
show log pmd
Displays the contents of a stored Post Mortem Dump (PMD) file. The PMD file is a diagnostic aid that
stores system information following some precipitating event (e.g., a system error).
show log pmd file_name [type type_string | id registrationidentifier_int | subid subidentifier_int |
taskname taskname_string | taskid tasknumber_int | record recordtype_string | address address_int]
Syntax Definitions
file_name Specifies a file containing the PMD dump information.
type_string Specifies a registration type. Valid registration types include
task, application, user-defined.
registrationidentifier_int Specifies a registration identifier. Valid identifiers include task
number, unique value, snap/app id.
subidentifier_int Specifies a value that is unique when used with the registration type and
registration identifier.
taskname_string Specifies the name associated with the desired task.
tasknumber_int Specifies the numeric value corresponding with the desired task.
recordtype_string Specifies a record type. Valid record types include userdefined,
stackinfo, taskinfo, taskname, textstring, rawmemory, stacktrace,
address_int Specifies the address of the data buffer (specified in the original regis-
tration), to which memory list data will be sent.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
If no additional filter parameter is entered, all stored PMD file information will be displayed.
-> show log pmd filename
PMD Version -> 102
File Dump Type -> Mixed
Date Created - Coordinated universal time: Wed Dec 19 09:22:27 2001
Registration Type ->Application Application Id. ->4b