Troubleshooting Source Learning Dshell Troubleshooting
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 3-11
L2 Physical Pool Stats:
Total Used Free
DstSwp Tables 16384 0 16384
NetID Tables 16384 0 16384
Protocol Tables 2046 1 2045
ASIC Rsrc Wraps 2048 26 2022
value = 294 = 0x126
Output of many fields are described below:
To see Source learning in action, set the debug level higher (levels are 1-6):
The following is a sample output:
Certified: [Kernel]->SlnDebugLevel=1
SlnDebugLevel = 0x65c8af8: value = 1 = 0x1
=============== Start of CPU Unresolved Packet ===============
TxFlags = 0x2017, BufSize = 64, DiffservCodePoint = 0x0, CpuCode = 0x20, PrtclCode
= 0x1f, RxPNum = 10
PrepRxDevNum = 1, PrepRxPNum = 10, DstUnrCode = 0x1f, SrcUnrCode = 0x0, PacketRa-
mAddr = 0x68228
DstMacAddr16_48 = 0x3d9f8000, DstMacAddr0_15 = 0xe639
SrcMacAddr32_47 = 0x8000, SrcMacAddr0_31 = 0x180a539f
IPPayLoadOffset = 38, EnetType = 0x800, TagPriority = 1, TagVID = 3072
DstIPAddr = 0xc0a80b1b, SrcIPAddr = 0xc0a80b06
SrcIPSkt = 0x7f80, DstIPSkt = 0x7d00
hslnProcessL2Packet(258): vlanid = 0, gport = 42.
hsln_core_adrlrn_handler: Get the packet from Q-Dispatcher...
address pktPtr = 0x63e255c
queue_port_id = 0x402a
length = 60
lock = 0
packet_info = 0x0
ccode = 0x80
da = 00:80:9f:3d:50:b3
sa = 00:80:9f:53:0a:18
=== End of E_FRAME_PARAMS ===
output definitions
Addr The index.
Addr The MAC address learned.
DN The device number (stack number).
PN The port number.
Age The MAC address type, which can be Dynamic or Static.
AVID The Authenticated VLAN ID.
DstSwp Tables The entry for Next Hop info.
NetID Tables Contains transmit enables, prepend information, and address based
VLAN information.