7.Click the “Tray Out” button so that the tray is pulled into the disc autoloader
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8.Reattach the disc autoloader to the printer and slide the Printer Mode Switch back to the “disc” position
9.The disc bin is getting too full for operation prior to 100 discs.
▪▪ Optical discs vary in thickness depending on the type, manufacturing and coatings. Thicker discs will take up more space in the disc bin and reduce the total capacity of the disc autoloader. The unit has been designed so that you can remove completed discs while a job is in progress, allowing you to increase a job’s capacity.
10.Discs are frequently getting stuck when being loaded from the dispenser or dropping into the disc bin.
▪▪Some types of discs are also “stickier” than others, especially when taken from a brand new spindle. It often helps to “fan” these discs prior to loading them into the disc autoloader (briefly separate each
individual disc from the one above and below it on the spindle).