Chapter 8: File System
102 Section II: Advanced Operations
File Naming ConventionsThe flash memory file system is a flat file system—directories are not
supported. However, directories are supported on compact flash cards. In
both types of storage, files are uniquely identified by a file name in the
following format:
filename is a descriptive name for the file, and may be one to sixteen
characters in length. Valid characters are lowercase letters (a–z),
uppercase letters (A–Z), digits (0–9), and the following characters: ~ ’
@ # $ % ^ & ( ) _ - { }. Invalid characters are: ! * + = “| \ [ ] ; : ? / , < >.
ext is a file name extension of three characters in length, preceded by
a period (.). The extension is used by the switch to determine the file
The following is an example of a valid file name for a boot configuration
The following is an example of an invalid file name for a file stored in flash
The backslash character (/ ) is not a valid character for files stored in flash
memory because subdirectories are not supported in the flash memory
The file system displays filenames and directories in DOS 28.3 format.
Filenames and directories longer than 32 bytes are represented in DOS
8.3 format.
Table 9. File Extensions and File Types
Extension File Type
.cfg Configuration file
.cer Certificate file
.csr Certificate enrollment request
.key Public encryption key
.log Event log