Chapter 19: SNMPv3
200 Section IV: SNMPv3
SNMPv3 Authentication Protocols
The SNMPv3 protocol supports two authentication protocols—HMAC-
MD5-96 (MD5) and HMAC-SHA-96 (SHA). Both MD5 and SHA use an
algorithm to generate a message digest. Each authentication protocol
authenticates a user by checking the message digest. In addition, both
protocols use keys to perform authentication. The keys for both protocols
are generated locally using the Engine ID, a unique identifier that is
assigned to the switch automatically, and the user password. You modify
a key only by modifying the user password.
In addition, you have the option of assigning no user authentication. In this
case, no authentication is performed for this user. You may want to make
this configuration for someone with super-user capabilities.
The keys generated by the MD5 and SHA protocols are specific to
the SNMPv3 protocol. They have no relation to the SSL and SSH
keys for encryption.