2 | Patch Release Note |
Some of the issues addressed in this Release Note include a level number. This number reflects the importance of the issue that has been resolved. For details on level numbers, please contact your authorised distributor or reseller.
Features in SB251-08
PCR: 03251 | Module: SWI | Level: 2 |
A fatal error occurred when the ADD SWITCH TRUNK command specified an invalid port. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 03414 | Module: SWI | Level: 2 |
A fatal error occurred when removing a line card from a SwitchBlade if STP was enabled. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 03466 | Module: SWI | Level: 2 |
System performance was low when adding large numbers of entries to CAM. This issue has been resolved. CAM is now initialised to allow better performance, especially for the addition of ARP and IP entries.
PCR: 03470 | Module: SWI | Level: 2 |
The DELETE SWITCH TRUNK PORT command could cause an unrelated port to stop forwarding packets, or learn new MAC addresses. This issue has been resolved so that unrelated ports are not affected by the trunk group port deletion.
PCR: 03509 | Module: SWI | Level: 2 |
All IP routes were being added to all switch instances. This caused issues on SwitchBlade line cards that did not have enough CAM to store the routes, and the line card did not always need every route. IP routes are now only added:
•to a switch instance if the route was learned on that instance
•if the route is for an interface
•if the route was added statically, or
•if the switch instance has a CAM which is the same size or larger than the CAM of the switch instance that the route was learned on.
PCR: 03518 | Module: SWI | Level: 3 |
An issue exists where the CAM entry 0 in the VLAN Tag table is either not updated or is being overwritten with invalid data. This PCR adds debugging to trace the fault.