ITEM NO. _______________________

12•2 0-RTM



HALO HE AT . . . a cont rolle d, unifo rm hea t sou rce tha t g ently rethe rma liz es or


regen era tes pre pared mea ls and bulk foods to prope r se rving tem pera ture s and


autom atically c onv erts to hot food hold ing to provide a sa fe and prol onged holding


environme nt for ret hermali zed food s.

Retherm alizes food s w ithin the two- hour time pe riod requ ired by U. S. Food Cod e.

Clo se temper ature t olerance and u niform he at dist ribu tion rehea ts even ly, ma inta ining a n


ide al s ervin g te mper atu re through out the cabinet .

Retherm ov en is fur nis hed w ith a roll- in cart (tr olley) .

An op tio nal r oll -in cart featu res remo vabl e p an slid e pa nels to st ack opti onal wir e b ask ets


for ind ividual en tré e r etherma liz ati on.


— Up t o tw enty- fou r fu ll-si ze pan s (GN 1/1) or t welve she et pans .


— Up t o tw enty- six wire baskets to ret herm ind ividu al entré es.

Non-m agne tic s tai nle ss stee l i nteri or resist s c orrosi on.

Manual c ont rol confi gura tions inc lude an adjus tab le rether m t hermo stat , holding


the rmost at, and 4-hou r tim er.

Ele ctron ic co ntrol m odels provi de comp lete oper atin g fu nctio n, aut omat ic prehe ati ng, an d


memory s torage f or u p t o e ight indi vidua l opera tor set rethe rm progra ms. Digi tal


dis play monit ors in sid e air tem pera ture of the oven progr amm ed opera ting pa ram eter s.

Single compartment , mobil e oven with a retherm the rmosta t tempe ratu re range of 100° to 400°F (38° to 204° C) and a

holding tem per ature range of 60° to 240°F (16° to 116°C). Ove n includ es 20 gauge sta inles s steel exterio r, door handl e

with positiv e latch, two (2) exterior handl es for man euve rability, and is sup ported by fou r (4) 5-inc h (127mm) heavy

duty casters, 2 rigi d and 2 swivel wit h brake.

Electron ic control includes a 4-di git LED display, ON/OFF key, rethe rm tempe ratu re key, and holdin g temper atu re key.

Control also inclu des rether m mode cou nt- dow n timer, up and down arrow keys for time and tempera ture adjust ment,

miscella neo us indicat or lig hts for operati onal status , and a start key. The cont rol feat ures eigh t (8) progra mma ble menu

keys with the abili ty to set indi vid ual retherm, hold , and time para met ers. The cont rol has an automa tic prehea t

program and built-i n lock out featu re.

Man ual con trol con figurati on incl udes an ON/OFF power swi tch, adjus tab le rether m thermo stat , and hold ing tem pera ture

thermos tat. Contro l als o incl udes a 4-hou r timer, and an exteri or gauge to mon itor inte rnal oven air tempe ratu re.

Each reth erm oven is furnis hed with one (1) roll -in car t (troll ey) which fea ture s non-til t pan support rails.

MODEL 12•20-RTM/ e: Singl e c ompart ment mo bile oven wit h el ectr onic cont rol

MODEL 12•20-RTM:Singl e com partment mob ile oven with manual control con figura tion











Left-h and d oor h ingi ng is sta ndard .






Specify r ight -han d d oors as a spe cia l or der.





Ent rée cont ainers are not i nclu ded.














Optiona l HACC P D ocumen tati on w eb-b ase d s oftwa re provide s t he abi lity to monit or,






store, and pr int all rele vant data.





Optiona l HACC P w ith Ki tche n M ana gemen t we b-ba sed sof twar e pr ovides the abil ity to






prog ram, cont rol, mo nitor , and st ore all relevant da ta.












W164 N9221 Water Street • P.O. Box 450 • Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052-0450 • U.S.A.

PHONE : 262.251.3800 800.558.8744 U.S.A./CANAD AFAX : 262.251.7067 800.329.8744




#89 - 09/08

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Alto-Shaam 12-20 RTM specifications Rethe RM & Food Holdi NG Oven with ROLL-IN Cart

12-20 RTM specifications

The Alto-Shaam 12-20 RTM is a leading-edge cooking and warming solution specifically designed for the food service industry. This versatile piece of equipment excels in producing high-quality meals while optimizing operational efficiency in commercial kitchens. As part of Alto-Shaam's commitment to innovative cooking technology, the 12-20 RTM combines a wealth of features and advanced systems that cater to the demanding needs of food operators.

One of the standout features of the 12-20 RTM is its patented Halo Heat technology. This unique cooking method uses radiant heat to ensure even cooking and consistent temperature control throughout the entire cabinet. This eliminates the need for steam or water, resulting in enhanced food quality, longer holding times, and reduced energy consumption. Operators benefit from the ability to hold food at safe, precise temperatures without the risk of overcooking or drying out the food items.

With a capacity of 12 full-size food pans, the 12-20 RTM is designed to accommodate various meal types, making it a perfect choice for catering services, buffets, and other large-scale operations. The unit’s efficient airflow design promotes consistent cooking results, allowing chefs to serve perfectly cooked dishes every time.

Moreover, the Alto-Shaam 12-20 RTM features user-friendly digital controls, enabling operators to easily monitor and adjust cooking parameters. The intuitive interface provides precise temperature settings and cooking time management, ensuring each meal is cooked to perfection. The innovative programmable timer enhances productivity by allowing chefs to schedule cooking cycles, freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on other kitchen tasks.

Constructed with durable stainless steel, the 12-20 RTM guarantees longevity and resistance to the rigors of a busy kitchen environment. Its sleek design not only looks professional but is also easy to clean, which is a significant benefit for kitchen staff aiming to maintain high sanitation standards.

The Alto-Shaam 12-20 RTM exemplifies the future of cooking technology, combining performance, reliability, and quality in one compact unit. Its ability to streamline food preparation and enhance meal presentation makes it an invaluable tool for any commercial kitchen looking to elevate its service offerings. Whether for warming, cooking, or holding, the 12-20 RTM stands out as a powerful ally in today's fast-paced food service landscape.