AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12h, 2008
232 Appendix A
Automation Command
Swap {X86Sim Processor | AweSim
Switches CPU model from X86Sim to AweSim
or the other way around.
HasModule <module>
Returns „true‟ if module is present; otherwise it
returns „false‟.
Returns the 0 based index of which VGA device
is currently being displayed in the GUI. Only
useful if more than one VGA device is active
within a BSD file.
SetDisplayIndex <n>
Sets the 0 based index of which VGA devices
output is to be displayed in the GUI. Only
useful if more than one VGA device is active
within a BSD file.
Provides a "WAIT UNTIL STOPPED" feature.
Provides a non-blocking "GO" command.
DisplayScreenShot <index> <filename>
“DisplayScreenShot” takes a screen shot. This
command supports multiple displays Index is a
number that identifies the desired display. An
Index of 0 means that a screen shot from display
0 will be taken. Filename is the name of the
snapshot file. The file name includes the full
pathname for the file, any valid path drive
names („C:‟) or server names (\\servername\)
can be used. If a pathname is not given the
current default path is used. Format must be one
of t he formats that GetScreenShotFormats
returns (e.g., BMP or PNG).
This command gives the list of supported
formats that can be used.
LogConsoleStdErr” reports if stderr logging is
currently enabled.
SetLogConsoleStdErr <0 | 1>
"SetLogConsoleStderr" cause console logging
to go to stderr (1) or stdout (0). The default is
the current behavior of logging to stderr.
ForceSingleStep <0 | 1>
Enabled (1) or disables (0) single stepping.
XTRInstDmpFile <FileName>
Dumps instruction to file <FileName>.
LogIO <device> | <all> <feature> | reset <0
| 1>
Enables (1) or disables (0) IO logging <feature>
for <device> or <all> devices. Supported IO
logging features are: PCI, IO, IOfpdis, MEM,
MEMfpdis and GETMEMPTR. The reset
options sets the selected <feature> on <device>
or <all> devices to its default value.