AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12h, 2008
42 Chapter 5: Running the Simulator
Enable mouse and keyboard inputs to
-i <path>
Image search path for loading image files.
-m <path>
Mediator connection string for network
adapters to use.
-l <path>
Directory to load devices from. If used, it
must be first.
Table 5-2: Newmachine Command Arguments
newmachine[ [--nogui | -c | --gui] [--novga | -n | --vga]
[-d | +d] [-i <path>] [-m <path>] [-l <path>] ]
The following command creates a new simulation machine:
1 simnow> newmachine
2 simnow>
The „switchmachine n‟ command switches the console window to the machine identified
by „n‟. All subsequent automation commands typed into the console window are directed
to the given machine „n‟.
2 simnow> switchmachine 1
1 simnow>
The „listmachines‟ command lists all machines that currently exist.
2 simnow> listmachines
*2 -gui -vga +d
1 -gui -vga +d
2 simnow>
See also Section 5.1, “Command-Line Arguments”, on page 35 for further information
regarding available command-line arguments.
To exit a created simulated machine enter „exit‟, as shown in the following example:
1 simnow> exit
+d: Mouse and Keyboard
inputs are enabled.
-d: Mouse and keyboard
inputs are disabled.
VGA Window is enabled.
GUI is enabled (console mode).
* = Specifies current Machine ID.