©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - PPA-210 Instruction Manual Page 10
PPA-210 CONTROLS ANd FUNCTiONS cont.36. EQ (EQUALIZEr) CONTrOL ON/OFF - Lets you turn the System EQ on or off.
37. LEVEL CONTrOL KNOBS - Adjust the volume level of the individual channel. Adjust this level
after the Master Output Volume level has been set.
38. PAN CONTrOL KNOBS - This control pans the channel signal across the master L and R buses,
therefore determining the ideal position of the sound from that channel.
EXAMPLE: If the PAN control is set all the way to the left, the sound from that channel will only be
projected from the left speaker only. Same goes for the control being set all the way to the right, only
from the right speaker.
39. EFF/AUX OUTPUT CONTrOL KNOBS - Adjusts the amount of signal sent effects processor
and to the EFF/AUX output jack.
40. CHANNEL HIGH CONTrOL - This knob is used to adjust the high (treble) frequency levels of the
channel. Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of treble applied
to a channel signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of treble applied
to a channel signal.
CHANNEL MID CONTrOL - This knob is used to adjust the midrange levels of the channel. Turning
the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of midrange applied to a channel
signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of midrange applied to a
channel signal.
CHANNEL LOW CONTrOL - This knob is used to adjust the low frequency levels of the chan-
nel. Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of bass applied to a
channel signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of bass applied to a
channel signal.
PPA-210 CAbLE STORAGELocated at the rear of the mixing console is a storage area. You can store the speaker cables and
other cables in this storage area.