©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - PPA-210 Instruction Manual Page 15
PPA-210 CLEANiNG PPA-210 TROUbLEShOOTiNGdust will settle in the fader track overtime dust can cause a popping noise on the fader. To prevent
this cover you mixer. If the mixer has been unused for over a month or more move you faders up and
down a couple of times this will move most of the settle dust from the fader track. do not eat, drink,
or smoke over you over or near the mixer.
Don’t use spray cleaners. Use compressed air or a vacuum with a brush accessory.
Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which the mixer operates (i.e. smoke, fog residue,
dust, dew).
Trouble Shooting: Listed below are common problems you may encounter, and solutions.
I can’t hear the source from a channel thru the main mix
Check the trim knob, fader, and output volume on your source.
Check the Mute button, or make sure your sub groups are assigned to the mains.
Check you connection from the source to the mixer.
Try the same connection on a different channel with the same settings.
I hear noise in mix
Check your power a 60hz hum, could come from ungrounded equipment.
Turn all the faders down one at a time and the stereo return knob. If the noise goes away
it’s that channel or the source. disconnect the source from the mixer bring up that fader if
the noise is gone it your source, If it is the source try bringing down its out put volume.
I have no power
Make sure your power supply is properly hooked up to the unit.
I can’t hear the mix on my headphones or my control room monitors
Check the phones / control room knob, Select the proper source.