14. FOLDER/TRACK BUTTON & FOLDER/TRACK KNOB - this button is used to toggle the fOLDER/tRACK
KnOB between folder and track search. When the LED of the fOLDER BUttOn is lit, the player is in fOLDER
search mode. When the unit is in track search mode, turn the knob clockwise to search forward, and counter-
clockwise to search backwards. If you press the knob in and turn it while in track mode, you can skip ahead 10
tracks. Example: if you are at track #1, pressing the knob and turning it clockwise will skip you to track #11. if
you press the knob and turn it clockwise again, it will skip to track #21. if there are not that many tracks, it will
go back to track #1.
Hold the button down for at least 2 seconds to activate and deactivate the REPEAt function.
REPEAT ON: All the track in the current folder will play track by track until the repeat function is deactivated.
REPEAT OFF: All the tracks in the device will play in the normal mode.
SINGLE REPEAT: the current playing track will play continuously.
15. PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON - Each press of the PLAY/PAUSE Button causes the operation to change from play
to pause or from pause to play. While in play mode the green play button LED will glow, and while in pause
mode the green play LED will flash.
16. CUE - Pressing the CUE button during playback immediately pauses playback and returns the track to the
last set cue point (see setting a CUE POInt, page 17).
17. IN, OUT, & RELOOP -
IN BUTTON - “CUE On tHE fLY” - this function allows you to set a CUE POInt (see CUE POInt page 17)
without music interruption (“on the fly”). this button also sets the starting point of a loop (see LOOP).
OUT BUTTON - this button is used to set the ending point of a loop. A loop is started by pressing the In
BUttOn, pressing the OUt BUttOn set the loop ending point. the loop will continue to play until the OUt
BUttOn is pressed once again.
RELOOP BUTTON - If a LOOP has been made (see setting a LOOP on page 21), but the CD Player is not
actively in LOOP mode (a loop is not playing), pressing the RELOOP BUttOn will instantly reactivate the LOOP
mode. to exit the loop, press the LOOP OUt BUttOn.
18. JOG WHEEL - the jog wheel serves two functions depending on the current operating mode:
A. the jog wheel will act as a slow frame search control when the unit is in pause or cue mode allowing you
to set a specific cue point or find a particular starting point.
B. the wheel also works as a momentary pitch bend during playback. turning the wheel clockwise will
increase the pitch percentage up to 16%, and turning the wheel in the counter-clockwise direction will
decrease the pitch percentage up to -16%. the pitch bend will be determined on how fast you turn the
19. POWER SWITCH - this switch is used to turn On/Off the unit's main power.
B. rEar PaNEL -
20. AUDIO OUT R & L - these jacks are used to send a left and right output signal. Use these jacks to send
an audio signal to a mixer or receiver. the red colored jack represents the right channel output and white jack
represents the left channels output.
21. BALANCED XLR MASTER OUTPUT JACKS - the Master Output includes a pair of XLR Balanced
jacks as well as a pair of auDiO Out rCa JaCkS (20). the 3-pin XLR jacks send a high current balanced
output signal. these jacks should be used when you will be driving an amp or other audio equipment with
a balanced input, or whenever you will be running a signal line greater than 15 feet. Always, use these jacks
whenever possible.
22. USB PORT 2 - this is USB port 2 where you can insert your USB device to play Mp3 files.
23. POWER CONNECTION - this is the main power connection. Only use the supplied polarized power cord.
Use of any power cord may result in severe damage to the unit. Be sure the local power source matches the
units’ required power.
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.com - UCD-100 Instruction Manual Page 10