American DJ® - - Accu Roller 250™ Instruction Manual Page 24American DJ® - - Accu Roller 250™ Instruction Manual Page 23
Accu Roller 250™ System Menu Accu Roller 250™ System Menu
5. Press ENTER to confirm.
6. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
RTILT - The movement of the Tilt will be reversed.
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “RTILT” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER, the display will show “ON/OFF”.
4. Press the UP button to select “ON” to activate this function,
or “OFF” to deactivate this function.
5. Press ENTER to confirm.
6. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
VALU Display the DMX-512 value of each channel -
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “DISP” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP button until “VALU” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. The display should show “D-00”. Press the UP button in
order to select the desired channel. If you select “D-05” the
display will only show the DMX value of the 5th channel
5. Press ENTER to confirm.
6. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
Now the display will change as per the 5th channel DMX
D ON Shuts off digital display after 2 minutes.
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “DISP” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP button until “D ON” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. “CLDI” should now be displayed, press ENTER.
5. The display will show “ON/OFF”. Press the UP button to
select “ON” to activate this function, or “OFF” to deactivate this
6. Press ENTER to confirm.
7. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
FLIP - This function will reverse the display 180º.
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP button until “DISP” is displayed.
3. Tap the UP button until “FLIP” is displayed.
4. Press ENTER, the display will show “ON/OFF”.
5. Press the UP button to select “ON” to activate this function,
or “OFF” to deactivate this function.
6. Press ENTER to confirm.
7. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
RDMX With this function you are able to change the DMX
address via any DMX controller. This function is factory set
to “ON” already.