Waveform pattern Uplink / Downlink Data Output slot Communications
GMSK_PN9 Uplink / Downlink
8PSK_PN9 Uplink / Downlink
GMSK_TN0 Uplink / Downlink TN0
8PSK_TN0 Uplink / Downlink TN0
NB_TN0 Uplink / Downlink TN0
NB_ALL Uplink / Downlink All slot
TCH_FS Uplink / Downlink TN0 GSM
CS-1_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
CS-4_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
DL_MCS-1_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
UL_MCS-1_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0 GPRS
DL_MCS-5_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
UL_MCS-5_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
DL_MCS-9_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0 EDGE
UL_MCS-9_1SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0
DL_MCS-9_4SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0, 1, 2, 3
UL_MCS-9_4SLOT Uplink / Downlink TN0, 1, 2, 3
GSM/EDGE waveform pattern

GSM/EDGE waveform pattern:

The GSM/EDGE waveform patterns listed in the table below
are provided on the MG3700A internal hard disk.
The signals suitable for testing receivers and for managing
device evaluation in a GSM/EDGE system can be output by
selecting one of these GSM/EDGE waveform patterns.
PN9 data is inserted into the entire area of the slots, except the
guard. The PN9 data in each slot are continuous.
PN9 data is inserted into the entire area of the slots, except the
guard. The PN9 data in each slot are continuous.
PN9 data is inserted into the normal burst encrypted bit area.
The PN9 data in the slots are continuous.
Supports the Speech channel at the full rate (TCH/FS) specified
in Section 3.1 of 3GPP TS05.03.
CS-1_1 (4)_SLOT (_4SLOT )
Supports the packet data block type 1 (CS-4) and 4 (CS-1)
specified in Section 5.1 of 3GPP TS05.03.
DL (UL)_MCS-1 (5, 9)_1SLOT (_4SLOT)
Supports the packet data block types 5(MCS-1), 9(MCS-5), and
13 (MCS-9) specified in Section 5.1 of 3GPP TS05.03.
1: PN9 data is inserted into the entire area that does not have the slot format.
2: PN9 data is inserted into the entire area of the slots, except the guard.
3: PN9 is inserted into the normal burst encrypted bit area.
4: The bit string channel-coded for PN9 data is inserted into the normal burst encrypted bit area.
Example of selecting waveform pattern
PN9 3
PN9 4
PN9 1
PN9 2
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