Ordering InformationPlease specify model/order number, name and quantity when ordering.
Model/order No. Name
– Application parts –
J0576D Coaxial cord (N-P, 5D-2W, N-P), 2 m
J0561 Coaxial cord (N-P, 5D-2W, N-P), 2 m
J0104A Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-55/U, BNC-P), 1 m
Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-58A/U, BNC-P), 0.5 m
J0127A Coaxial cord (BNC-P, RG-58A/U, BNC-P), 1 m
Coaxial cord (general use, N-P · N-P, DC to 18
GHz), 2 m
Coaxial cord (low-loss type, N-P · N-P, DC to
18 GHz), 2 m
J0911 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P, DC to 40 GHz), 1 m
J0912 Coaxial cord (K-P · K-P, DC to 40 GHz), 0.5 m
J0007 GPIB cable, 1 m
J0008 GPIB cable, 2 m
J1047 Ethernet cross cable, 5 m
MA1612A Four-port Junction Pad(5 t o 3000 MHz)
MA1621A 50 Ω→ 75 ΩImpedance Transformer (75 Ω,
9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±100 V, NC-type)
MP614B 50 ↔70 ΩImpedance Converter (50 to 1200
MHz, 1.5 dB or lower)
J0395 Fixed attenuator for high-power (30 dB, 30 W,
DC to 9 GHz)
J0078 High power attenuator
(N type, 20 dB, 10 W, DC to 18 GHz)
B0472 Fixed attenuator for high-power
(N type, 30 dB, 100 W, DC to 18 GHz)
34AKNF50 Ruggedized K-to-Type N Adapter
MA2507A DC Block Adaptor
(50 Ω, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, ±50 V)
J0805 DC block, N type
(10 kHz to 18 GHz, made by wineshell)
B0452A Hard carrying case (with casters)
B0452B Hard carrying case (without casters)
B0488 Rear panel protective pad
Assembling guide drawing for rear protective pad
B0481B Soft carrying case suppor ter
B0479 Soft carrying case (rucksack type)
MA4601A Power Sensor
(100 kHz to 5.5 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm, N connector)
MA4701A Power Sensor
(10 MHz to 18 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm, N connector)
MA4703A Power Sensor
(50 MHz to 26.5 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm, APC3.5(P)
MA4705A Power Sensor
(50 MHz to 32 GHz, –30 to +20 dBm, APC3.5(P)
J0370A Sensor connecting cord, 1.5 m (for power
meter option)
J0370C Sensor cord, 2.5 m (for power meter option)
J0370E Sensor cord, 5 m (for power meter option)
J0370G Sensor cord, 10 m (for power meter option)
MA2741A External Mixer (26.5 to 40 GHz)
MA2742A External Mixer (33 to 50 GHz)
MA2743A External Mixer (40 to 60 GHz)
MA2744A External Mixer (50 to 75 GHz)
MA2745A External Mixer (60 to 90 GHz)
MA2746A External Mixer (75 to 110 GHz)
J0364 APC-3.5 to N conversion connector
(for MA4703A and MA4605A)
Model/order No. Name
– Main frame –
MS2687B Spectrum Analyzer
– Standard accessories –
Power cord, 2.6m :1 pc
J0996B RS-232C cable :1 pc
Z0744 Memory card (32MB) :1 pc
F0014 Fuse, 6.3 A :1 pc
MX268001A File Transfer Utility :1 pc
W1754AE MS2681A/83A/87B operation manual:1 copy
– Options –
MS2687B-01 Precision frequency reference
(Aging rate: 5 x 10–10/day)
MS2687B-02 Narrow resolution bandwidths (FFT)
MS2687B-04 Digital resolution bandwidth
MS2687B-05 Rubidium reference oscillator
MS2687B-09 Ethernet interface
MS2687B-18 I/Q unbalanced input
MS2687B-21 Power meter function
MS2687B-23 Range expansion power meter function
MS2687B-34 4 GHz LO output
MS2687B-41 Power meter function retrofit
MS2687B-43 Range expansion power meter function retrofit
MS2687B-44 Range expansion power meter function
MS2687B-46 Auto power recovery
MS2687B-47 Rack mount (IEC) without handles
MS2687B-48 Rack mount (JIS) without handles
– Warranty –
MS2687B-90 Extended three year warranty service
MS2687B-91 Extended five year warranty service
– Measurement software –
MX268701B W-CDMA Measurement Software
W1746AE W-CDMA Measurement Software operation
MX268702A GSM Measurement Software
W1854AE GSM Measurement Software operation
MX268703A cdma Measurement Software
cdma Measurement Software operation manual
MX268704A 1xEV-DO Measurement Software
W2090AE 1xEV-DO Measurement Software operation
MX268705A π/4DQPSK Measurement Software
W1866AE π/4DQPSK Measurement Software operation
MX268730A WIRELESSLAN Measurement Software
W2080AE WIRELESS LAN Measurement Software
operation manual
MX268760A TD-SCDMA Measurement Software
W2593AE TD-SCDMA Measurement Software operation
MX268751A W-CDMA Release5 uplink Measurement
W2617AE W-CDMA Release5 uplink Measurement
Software operation manual