Charge this battery fully before using. Allow the battery to reach a steady green (Lifesaver) mode before using. Charging is automatic on all Logic Series chargers. The flashing red and green lights indicate the charger and battery are establishing communications. The following are the standard indications on any Logic Series Lifesaver Charger (Please refer to the Charger manual for complete Charger instructions):
•Alternating red and green: Evaluating battery and/or rejuvenating low voltage battery.
•Steady red: Battery waiting to charge (may either be in line to charge or holding for temperature stabilization).
•Flashing red: Charging.
•Flashing green: Balancing mode or Ready/Verifying. Battery is typically more the 80% charged.
•Steady green: Lifesaver mode. Batteries will remain 100% ready for use indefinitely.
The battery should remain on the charger until just prior to being used. The patented Lifesaver maintenance routine keeps the battery 100% charged and balanced by eliminating the typical
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