Typhoon TV PVR Universal Article No: 50670
3.9 TimeShifting
The TimeShift Function allows you to pause, fast forward, or rewind a program while you are watching it. To start
a TimeShift recording, click on the red Start/Stop TimeShift button.
When in TimeShift mode, the Time Slider will appear in the horizontal bar above the TimeShift button. The bar
shows how much video is currently recorded, and the gray square is your current position. Dragging the slider to
the left rewinds the video, dragging the slider right fast-forwards the video up to what is currently playing.
The other controls are Play, Pause, Stop, Skip to Beginning, and Skip to End. Clicking on Pause will pause the
video, and you can resume watching by clicking on Play. Skip to Beginning will go to the beginning of the recorded
video, and Skip to End will skip to the end of the recorded video. (what is currently playing) To stop TimeShift
mode, you can click on Stop or on the red Start/Stop TimeShift button. You cannot change channels while
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