Typhoon TV PVR Universal Article No: 50670
Q: Why are the System Requirements so high?
A: Basically, at the point of release of this manual the fastest CPUs are the 3.0GHz systems. The TV PVR is
sufficient for Intel® Pentium® IV 1.8GHz and faster. The main driving issues are the speed of the USB Bus
through the system for previewing and fast graphics processing enough to do recording. A lower specification
might still do the job, but you might have performance lag due to older USB Bus, or slow CPU process power,
or even older Graphics card which cannot overlay correctly the video on screen.
Q: After auto-scan or during auto-scan, why does the application hang ?
A: When auto-scanning is activated, the CPU resources are needed and if either the signal is poor or USB ports
do not have enough power to provide the processing – then the system might hang. Simply reboot the system
and change the USB connection position. The best is to connect to the number 3 and 4 USB ports. Also ensure
the antenna cable is directly routed and not from a splitter unit.
Q: After scanning, the system hanged and no images but audio is heard.
A: Reboot the system first and launched the Typhoon PVR application. If the station is heard but no image at all,
click on the Setup button below the interface panel. Go to the Recording Settings, and change the option to
either MPEG2 or MS-MPEG4. Check if the image appears. If the Station image appears, change the option
back to MPEG1 to check. This symptom is likely due to memory issues with the Graphics and system
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