Ionisation Optical Multisensor Heat
Overheating/thermal combustion Poor Very Good Very Good VeryPoor
Smouldering/glowing combustion Moderate/Good Good Good VeryPoor
Flaming combustion Very Good Good Good Poor
Flaming with high heat output Very Good Good Very Good Moderate/Good
Flaming - clean burning Poor Very Poor Moderate/Good Moderate/Good
PROTOCOL FEATURESControl Unit Interrogation and Command:
3 bits of command instruction and the 7- bit address are
issued bythe control equipmentfollowing an initiatingpulse.
Interrupt Warning:
Notification that an XP95 manual call point or XP95 Mini
Switch Monitor (interrupt) has been operated.
Analogue Value Report:
Status continually reported.
Input Bits Reporting:
Fielddevices advise controlequipment of actionsthey have
taken. For smoke and temperaturedetectors, these confirm
compliance with the output command bits. Bit information
depends on device type.
Automatic Type Identification:
The device being interrogated replies with a 5 bit type
code, allowing up to 32 device types.
Address Confirmation:
The 7- bit address (u p to 126 devices per loop) of the
detector responding is confirmed back to the control unit.
XP95 Device Flag:
Tellsthe controlequipmentthat moreinformationis available.
Alarm Flag:
For accelerated alarm reporting.
Parity Error Check:
For received message accuracy.
Interrupt or Alarm Address:
Provides fast location of a device in alarm state.
ASICs technology for lower component count.
Zero Insertion Force Base:
For easier installation and maintenance.
Ease of Maintenance:
Snap lock chambers for easy cleaning.
Surface Mounted Components:
For long life and high reliability
Latest Data Reported:
As well as free running data update, device will update
data when the preceding device is being interrogated.
XPERT Card Addressing:
For fast reliable installation and service.
Unobtrusive Design:
For elegant designs in modern buildings.
Table1 Response characteristics of smoke and heat detectors.