Using iPod mini
With iTunes 4.9, iPod mini supports listening to podcasts. Podcasts are downloadable
radio-style shows delivered over the Internet. You can subscribe to podcasts, download
them using the iTunes Music Store, transfer them to your iPod mini, and listen to them
at your convenience.
Podcasts are organized by shows, episodes within shows, and chapters within
episodes. If you stop listening to a podcast and go back to it later, the podcast begins
playing from where you left off.
To listen to a podcast:
Select Music > Podcasts, and then select a show.
Select an episode to play it.
The Now Playing screen displays the show, episode, and date information, along with
elapsed and remaining time. Press the Select button to see more information about
the podcast.
For more information on podcasts, in iTunes, choose Help > iTunes and Music Store
Help, and search for “podcasting.”