Finding Music, Videos, and More

Browse content: Tap one of the content categories at the bottom of the screen, such as Music or Videos. Or tap More to browse other content. Choose a sort method at the top of the screen—for example New Releases or Genres (the categories may vary).

Search for content: Tap Search (tap More first, if Search isn’t visible), tap the search field and enter one or more words, then tap Search. Search results are grouped by category, such as Movies, Albums, or Podcasts.

Tap an item in a list to see more details on its Info screen. You can read reviews, write your own review, or email a link about the item to a friend. Depending on the item, you can also buy, download, or rent it.

Note: If you join a Starbucks Wi-Fi network in a select Starbucks location (available in the U.S. only), the Starbucks icon appears at the bottom of the screen. You can preview and purchase the currently playing and other songs from featured Starbucks Collections.

Chapter 21    iTunes Store


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