In orderto setyour thermostatup asa humidity controller,you will needat leastone(up to four for averaging) temperature/humiditysupportmodule(s)wired to the thermostat.

Locatethe temperature/humiditysupportmodulein the areathat you want to control humidity. Setthe T3tr4 sensor(Humidity) Input to "Control" by moving the # 4 dipswitchto the "on" position. Up to four T3/ T4 humidity sensorscanbe setto control andthe reportedvalueswill be averagedanddisplayed on thethermostat.Important: ~ of the temperature sensorsconnectedto this thermostat can be set to control becausea control temperature input to tbe thermostat will override a control bumidity input. Make sure all temperature sensorsare set to "Monitor".

OncedIe humidity control sensor(s)havebeenwired to dIe dIermostat,dIethermostatdisplaywill changeto indicate% RH insteadof °F/oC. ThedIermostatmodeselectionswill also changeto reflect humidity control. The modeswill be "Humidify", "Dehumidify", "Humidify or Dehumidify" and "Off'. Humidification/Dehumidificationsetpointsarechanged dIe sameway dIat temperaturecontrol setpointswould be


Mode of Ol2erationSetto "Humidify"

The B terminal is continually energizedin the "Humidify" mode. Whenthe thermostatcalls for humidity, dIe WI/HUM terminalwill energize.If the minimum off time of2 minutes hasnot elapsedsincethe previouscall, no terminalswill energizeuntil it has. All energizedterminalswill remain energizedfor the minimum on time of2 minutes.

Modeof Qi2erationSetto "Dehumidify"

Thea tenninal is continually energizedin dIe "Dehumidify" mode. Whenthe thermostatcalls for dehumidification,dIe YI/DEHUM terminalwill energize.IfdIe minimum off time of

4minuteshasnot elapsedsincethe previouscall. no terminals will energizeuntil it has. All energizedterminalswill remain energizedfor the minimum on time of 4 minutes.

Heat Pump Applications

If the sensoris beingusedwith a heatpumpthermostatwidI auxiliary heat,the thermostatcanbe configuredto disablethe useof auxiliary heatduring warm weatherandto lock out the compressorwhendIe outdoortemperatureis too cold. This allows for the mostefficient useof energy.

At warmertemperatures,a heatpumpwill operatemuchmore efficiently thanthe auxiliary heat. It cansaveenergyto disable auxiliary heatin somecases,for example,whenreturningfrom a setbackon a mild day. Thetemperatureabovewhich auxiliary heatis disabledis the auxiliary lockouttemperatureor high balancepoint. Referto the thermostatusermanualfor a detailedexplanation.

Air-to-air heatpumpsbecomelessefficient asthe outdoor temperaturedrops. Thetemperatureat which it becomesmore efficient to useauxiliary heatinsteadof the heatpumpis the balancepoint or low balancepoint. Referto thermostatuser manualfor a moredetailedexplanation.

Configurethe temperaturesensor(TIm) that you areusingto senseoutdoortemperatureto the "Monitor" modeby settingthe dipswitch3 to the "off' position andthe moduleaddressto numberI. Thehigh andlow balancepoints aresetat the thermostat.Referto thethermostatInstallationInstructionsfor moredetails.


Thermostat has no display: Check24 VAC supply. Check for incorrectwiring betweenthe thermostatandsupportmodule. Incorrectwiring candamagethe thermostatandtransformeror blow a fusein the equipment.Make sureall supportmodules havea uniqueaddress.

Thermostat displays very high temperature or humidity: Ensurethat dipswitch6 is setproperly. If dipswitch 6 is setto Tim anda sensorhasnot beenwired to the Tim terminal,no temperatureor humidity readingswill be displayed. Also, if dipswitch6 is setto onboardanda sensorhasbeenwired to the Tim terminal,incorrecttemperaturereadingswill be displayed. Checkwires on remotesensors(flush mountor outdoor/duct)to ensurethatthey arenot touching. If they are, separatethem.

Thermostat displays very low temperature: Remotesensor (flush mountor outdoor/duct)is not connectedto support moduleproperly. Checkwiring.

Thermostat doesn'tdisplay remote temperature/humidity: Make surethatthe supportmoduleis setto address1. Reset supportmoduleafterchangingany dipswitchesby turning off

powerfor 15seconds.

Thermostat displays RH insteadof of or of instead of RH : Makesurethatmonitor/controldip switchesaresetcorrectly. Resetsupportmoduleafter changingany dipswitchesby turning off power for 15seconds.


Power Supply: 18to 30 VAC or DC (24 V Nominal)

Maximum Relative Humidity: 90% (non-condensing)

Max. Cable Length BetweenModule and TSTAT: lOOOft Themaxinlumcumulativedistancebetweenmultiple support modulesandthe thermostatis 1000ft.

Max. Cable Length BetweenModule and Remote Temp. Sensor: 300ft



ComfortRange(60°F- 80°F): :t: 1°F

ControlRange(40°F-100°F): :t:2°F

OperatingRange(-40°F-185°F): :t:3°F

MaximumDisplay Range: -40°F-185°F



ComfortRange(10% - 45%): :f:3%

ControlRange(10% - 90%): :f:5%

Maximum DisplayedRange:0% - 900/0


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Aprilaire 8062 installation instructions Troubleshooting, Specifications

8062 specifications

The Aprilaire 8062 is a state-of-the-art air quality solution designed to enhance indoor comfort and maintain optimal humidity levels in residential and commercial spaces. This powerful humidifier is particularly well-suited for larger homes, providing an effective way to combat dry air commonly encountered during winter months.

One of the primary features of the Aprilaire 8062 is its capacity to cover areas up to 3,600 square feet, making it ideal for substantial living spaces. Its robust design ensures that even large homes can benefit from consistent humidity levels, which can help protect furnishings, enhance overall comfort, and improve health by reducing issues caused by dry air, such as respiratory problems and dry skin.

The Aprilaire 8062 operates using evaporative technology, employing a built-in fan to draw air over a moisture-saturated wick. This process allows for efficient humidification while minimizing water waste. The unit is equipped with a built-in bypass or ducted system, which integrates seamlessly with existing HVAC systems, allowing it to provide humidity throughout the home without requiring additional equipment.

An important characteristic of the Aprilaire 8062 is its automatic humidity control. The unit features a built-in hygrometer that monitors the humidity levels and adjusts the humidification output accordingly. This technology ensures that the indoor environment remains comfortable without the need for constant manual adjustments. Additionally, the automatic shut-off feature helps conserve water and energy by turning the unit off once the desired humidity level is reached.

Furthermore, the durable construction of the Aprilaire 8062 is another highlight, designed for long-lasting performance. With minimal maintenance requirements, this unit is user-friendly, allowing homeowners to enjoy a healthier indoor atmosphere without frequent interventions. Aprilaire also provides a wide range of replacement parts and accessories, making it easy to maintain optimal efficiency throughout the life of the product.

In summary, the Aprilaire 8062 stands out with its impressive coverage, advanced evaporative technology, automatic humidity control, and robust construction. Whether looking to alleviate dry air discomfort or protect valuable household items, this humidifier represents a reliable solution for enhancing indoor air quality and overall well-being.