D ISHWASHER Installation and moving

Your dishwasher has arrived

After having bought or moved your dishwasher to another home, a correct installation ensures that your dishwasher will operate

smoothly and efficiently.

Choosewhereyouwanttoinstall your dishwasher, you can even place it so that its sides or back panelaresidebysidewithfurniture or up against the wall. The dishwasherisprovidedwithwater supplyanddrainhoses,whichcan bedirectedtowardstheleftorright to facilitate appropriate installation.


Oncetheapplianceispositioned, adjustthefeetbyscrewingthemin oroutdependingonhowhighyou want it and to level it so that it is horizontal.Makesurethatitisnot inclinedmorethan2degrees.Ifthe applianceislevel,itwillhelpensure itscorrectoperation.

Adjusting the back Feet Inserttheapplianceintothecutout andthenadjusttheheightusingthe screwslocatedonthefrontbottom part of the machine. Use a screwdrivertoturnthescrewsin the clockwise or anti-clockwise directiontoincreaseordecrease theheightrespectively.

Cold water connection. Connect the cold water supply hose to a 3/4 gas threaded connection,takingcaretoscrewit tightly onto the tap. If the water hosesareneworhavebeenoutof useforanextendedperiodoftime, letthewaterruntomakesureitis clearandfreeofimpuritiesbefore making the connection. If this precautionisnottaken,thewater inlet could get blocked, causing damagetoyourdishwasher.

If the power

socket to which the appliance is connected is not compatible with the plug, replace it with a suitable plug rather than using adapters or multiple plugs as these could cause

overheating or

burns .

Hot water connection. Yourdishwashercanbesupplied with hot water from the mains supply(ifyouhaveacentralheating systemwithradiators)atatempe- ratureofnomorethan60°C.

In this case, the wash cycle time will be about 15 minutes shorter and the wash will be slightly less effective.

Theconnectionmustbemadeto hot water supply following the sameproceduresasthoseindicated forthecoldwaterconnection.

Anti-flooding protection

Yourdishwasherisprovidedwitha special system which blocks the watersupplyintheeventofleaks inside the appliance. It is further equipped with a water inlet hose thatcanwithstandextremelyhigh pressuresandthatturnsbrightred intheeventofbreakage.Safetyin theeventoffloodingisensuredby thesecondclearhosethatcontains theformerandthushighlightsthe latterwhenithasturnedbrightred. It is vital that you check it on a regularbasis:ifyouseeithasturned brightred,thenyouknowyouhave to replace it as soon as possible. Call for an authorised technical engineertocomeandreplaceit.

Drain hose connection. Fitthedrainhoseintoadrainpipe withaminimumdiameterof4cm or place it over the sink. Avoid restricting or bending it. Use the specialplasticelbowprovided(see figure) to position it in the best possible way. The free end of the hoseshouldbebetween40and100 cmabovethegroundandshould notbeimmersedinwater.


Electrical connection. First of all, check that the mains voltage and frequency values correspondtothosestatedonthe ratingplatelocatedonthestainless steel inner door of the appliance and that the electrical system to whichthedishwasherisconnected issizedforthemaximumcurrent indicatedonsaidratingplate.

Earth: indispensable safety.

Only now can you plug the applianceintoasocketprovided withanefficientearthconnection (the system's earthing is a guaranteeofsafetyprovidedforby law, make sure your system has it).

Power supply wire. Checkthepowersupplywireona regularbasis;ifitisdamaged,we recommendyouhaveitreplaced by an authorised technical Assistanceservicecentre.

The special

plastic elbow

should be

fastened firmly onto the wall to prevent the drain hose from moving and allowing water to spill outside the drain.

8ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use

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Ariston LI 68 DUO manual Your dishwasher has arrived, Levelling, Earth indispensable safety, Anti-flooding protection

LI 68 DUO specifications

The Ariston LI 68 DUO is a highly efficient and innovative heating solution designed to meet the diverse hot water needs of modern households. This exceptional product combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it a preferred choice among homeowners looking for reliability and performance.

One of the standout features of the Ariston LI 68 DUO is its dual heating system. This unit provides flexibility and efficiency by incorporating both electric and gas heating options. As a result, users can select the most cost-effective and eco-friendly method of heating water based on their specific requirements. This versatility not only enhances user convenience but also contributes to energy savings over time.

The LI 68 DUO is designed with high-quality insulation, reducing heat loss and maintaining hot water temperatures for extended periods. This characteristic is particularly beneficial for households with varying hot water needs throughout the day, ensuring that users have access to hot water whenever required. The energy-efficient design not only contributes to lower utility bills but also aligns with contemporary environmental standards.

In terms of safety, the Ariston LI 68 DUO is equipped with multiple safety features, including overtemperature protection and a pressure relief valve, ensuring that users can operate the unit with peace of mind. The intuitive control panel allows easy adjustment of temperature settings and provides real-time information about water heating status, simplifying the user experience.

The compact design of the LI 68 DUO makes it suitable for various installations, whether in small apartments or larger homes. Its sleek, modern appearance allows it to blend seamlessly into a range of home aesthetics, while its robust construction ensures longevity and durability, making it a worthwhile investment.

Another significant aspect of the Ariston LI 68 DUO is its environmentally friendly operation. By optimizing energy consumption and reducing emissions, this heating solution promotes sustainable living, appealing to eco-conscious consumers who seek to minimize their carbon footprint.

In conclusion, the Ariston LI 68 DUO stands out in the competitive heating market due to its dual heating capabilities, energy efficiency, advanced safety features, and sleek design. As households increasingly prioritize sustainability and utility savings, this innovative product integrates modern technology with practical functionality, making it an indispensable addition to any home.