1. Overview

ARRI Laptop Camera Controller

The Arriflex LCC (Laptop Camera Controller) is a software program that allows the camera assistant to control the Arriflex 535, 535B, 435, and 16SR 3 from a Laptop computer. Through an easy to use graphical interface, the user can access all camera status information, change camera settings and keep film inventory logs and camera reports.

The LCC allows for an unprecedented amount of control over the camera, including such advanced features as multiple step speed/exposure ramps, frame accurate rewinding or fast forwarding, and running the camera at the speed of 1 fps and at negative speeds, depending on the camera used.

Display/Control Features.

The Main Screen (see graphic) displays all camera status information and basic control buttons.

Customizable pulldown menus allow the user to change fps, shutter angle and Arriglow settings.

Multiple step speed/exposure ramps can be created and stored. The LCC assists the user by automatically calculating relevant shutter angles, fps range and T-stop compensation and by displaying screentime and footage needed. Cameras without an electronic mirror shutter can still use the full power of speed/exposure ramps when used with the Arriflex ICU (Iris Control Unit).

The Go to... feature allows for rewinding (or running forward) to any frame on a roll of film.

Setting of Timecode and Camera Preferences is simplified.

Extensive help screens and alerts keep the user informed on all aspects of camera operation.

Accounting Features

Through the Received, Available, and Exposed Film Logs all film that passes through the camera persons' hands can be accurately accounted for.

Information (i.e. fps, shutter angle, length of exposed take, total footage shot) can be entered in completely customizable Camera Reports either automatically by the camera or manually by the user.

Camera Reports can be printed, faxed, sent by modem and/or exported for use in post production.

The Daily Film Report lists all footages used during the day sorted by emulsion.

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