MB-20 Modular Compact Matte Box
The 5.65 x 5.65 Compact Mattebox easily adapts for use with lightweight support, bridgeplate support rods, or can be clamped on and supported by the camera lens. The
*Note: The addition of a third stage may limit
Please contact your ARRI representative for more details.
FF-5HD Follow Focus
Essential to professional quality production, ARRI’s
for a wide range of video lenses. It can be mounted
in handheld configuration via lightweight support rods or in studio configuration using 15 mm or 19 mm bridgeplate support rods.
QR-HD1 Quick Release HD Baseplate
The need to change between studio and handheld configurations is a common production problem and the quick release mechanism in ARRI’s
Baseplate’s unique attachment mechanism provides rock- solid camera support with a centering adjustment that compensates for variations in camera base to optical axis measurements.