Picture menu
To adjust the following six settings, highlight the setting, press Select, use
the up and down arrows to adjust the values, then press select to confirm
the changes.
Keysto ne Vert ical : adjusts the image vertically and makes a squarer image
by using an adjustable scale band.
Keysto ne Ho rizon tal: adjusts the image horizontally and makes a squarer
image by using an adjustable scale band.
Contrast: controls the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest
parts of the picture and changes the amount of black and white in the
Brightness: changes the intensity of the image.
Color: (video sources only) adjusts a video image from black and white to
fully saturated color.
Tint: (video sources only) adjusts the red-green color balance in the image.
Auto Image: resynchs the projector to the source.
Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the image width to image height.
TV screens are usually 1.33:1, also known as 4:3. HDTV and most DVDs are
1.78:1, or 16:9. The default is 4:3, which displays the input resized up or
down to fill the display area.
increasing keystone
Keystone Vertical
decreasing keystone
Keystone Horizontal
Aspect Ratio
EDX Ref Guide.fm Page 26 Friday, June 30, 2006 10:48 AM