Contents |
| |
1. Introduction |
| |
1.1 | Overview ............................................................ | 4 |
1.2 | Features ............................................................. | 4 |
2. Preparations |
| |
2.1 | System Requirements ....................................... | 5 |
2.2 | Installing a Network Card ................................... | 5 |
2.3 | Installing the TCP/IP Protocol ............................ | 6 |
2.4 | Changing TCP/IP Settings ................................. | 6 |
3. Installing the ADSL Modem |
| |
3.1 | Front Panel ........................................................ | 7 |
3.2 | Rear Panel ......................................................... | 8 |
3.3 | Connecting the ADSL Modem ......................... | 10 |
3.4 | Powering Up .................................................... | 10 |
4. Configuring the ADSL Modem |
| |
4.1 | COM Port Configuration ................................... | 11 |
4.2 | Operation Mode Configuration ......................... | 12 |
4.2.1 MPoA/Bridged | 14 | |
4.2.2 MPoA/Routed | 15 | |
4.2.3 IPoA | 16 | |
4.2.4 PPPoA/Bridged | 17 | |
4.2.5 PPPoA/Routed | 18 | |
4.2.6 PPPoE | 19 | |
4.2.7 PPPoE Relay | 20 |
4.2.8 PPTP Access Concentrator <PAC> ............ | 21 |
4.3 Load Factory Default ....................................... | 21 |
5. Software Upgrade |
5.1 System Update Procedure ............................... | 22 |
Appendix A: Product Certifications |
FCC ......................................................................... | 26 |
UL ............................................................................ | 26 |
CE ............................................................................ | 26 |
Appendix B: Product Specifications |
ADSL Specifications ................................................ | 27 |
ATM Specifications .................................................. | 27 |
Basic Protocol and RFC .......................................... | 28 |
Routing Function ...................................................... | 29 |
Hardware Specification ............................................ | 30 |
Appendix C: ADSL Acronyms | 31 |