3.1ASUS Remote Console (ARC)
The ASUS Remote Console (ARC) is a
Men u bar
Too l bar
Navigation |
| Detail/SEL window |
w i n d o w |
| |
| |
Even t window
Statu s bar
The ARC window is made up of six sections: Menu bar, Tool bar, Navigation window, Detail/SEL window, Event window, and Status bar.
3.1.1ARC sections
Menu bar
The Menu bar contains all the commands for the ARC application. Click on a menu to display a list of available commands.
M e n u | Available commands |
S e r v e r | add, delete, connect, disconnect server or change the server settings |
V i e w | show or hide the tool bar, status bar, navigation, and PET windows |
Control | turn on/off or reset the remote server |
E d i t | delete the System Event Log (SEL) or PET log |
H e l p | view information about the ARC application |
Tool bar
The Tool bar contains buttons corresponding to the most commonly used commands. The Tool bar offers faster access and execution of these commands. Move the mouse pointer over a button to display its function.
3 - 2 | Chapter 3: Software support |