3.1.3Retrieving sensor information
The Sensor Data Record (SDR) provides remote server system information through available sensors including CPU/system/power temperatures, voltages, fan speeds, chassis intrusion, etc. The SDR also provides information on the sensor location (e.g. CPU1, CPU2, FAN1), event generation, and access information.
To retrieve a sensor information:
1.From the navigation window, click before the server name to display the remote server information.
2.Click before the SDR to display the sensor groups (e.g. Temperature), then click before a sensor group to display the individual sensors. Select a sensor (e.g. CPU1 THERMAL) to display its values in the Detail/SEL window.
The Detail/SEL window displays the sensor data attributes, values, and meanings. From this window, you can adjust the sensor threshold values by clicking the up/down arrow button after each value.
3 - 8 | Chapter 3: Software support |