Radio Off

When this item is checked, the radio is turned off to save power. When the radio is off, the links with other wireless network nodes are disconnected.

Disable Adapter

When this item is checked, the wireless LAN adapter is disabled to increase performance in terms of better system resource management and CPU utilization.

If the wireless configuration is in AP mode, checking Radio Off will cause the sub-network belonging to the AP to disconnect with the Internet/intranet.

Status page

Manufacturer: ASUS

NDIS Driver Version

Short Radio Header

Data Encryption: Current encryption mode.

Authentication: authentication state

Channel Set: selected channel plan currently. Please reference Appendix-A with the detail comparisons.

MAC Address: MAC address of this adapter.

Data Rate: wireless LAN transition speed

Channel (Frequency): current channel number

Status: wireless network status

Network Name (SSID): name of connecting access point

Basic Service Set Identification (BSSID)

Network Type: indicate current network configuration type

Power Save Mode: current setting power save mode

Associated AP MAC: MAC address of connecting access point

Associated AP IP: IP address of connecting access point
