2.2.7 Pop-up window

Select a menu item then press <Enter> to display a pop-up window with the configuration options for that item.

Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility




Advanced Power Boot






















System Time





15 : 30 : 36



Select Menu



System Date





Sun, Jan 15 2006










Item Specific Help



Legacy Diskette A:


[1.44M, 3.5 in.]























Primary IDE Master

Legacy Diskette A:

Specifies the capacity





physical size of



Primary IDE Slave




..... [ ]

diskette drive A.



Secondary IDE







720K , 3.5 in.

..... [ ]






Secondary IDE






1.44M, 3.5 in.

..... [ ]






HDD SMART Monitoring


..... [ ]











2.88M ,3.5 in.






Installed Memory










Usable Memory




























↑↓ :Move

ENTER:Accept ESC:Abort














































↑↓ : Select Item


Change Value



F5: Setup Defaults


ESC: Exit

→←: Select Menu


Select Sub-menu



F10: Save and Exit















Pop-up menu

2.2.8 General help

At the top right corner of the menu screen is a brief description of the selected item.

ASUS K8V-XE motherboard
