The CPU Fan Profile Mode item appears when you enable the CPU Q-Fan Control feature.

CPU Fan Profil e Mode [ Opti mal]

Allows you to set the appropriate CPU fan performance level. When set to [Optimal], the CPU fan speed automatically adjusts depending on the CPU temperature. Set this item to [Silent Mode] for silent CPU fan operation or [Performance Mode] to achieve the maximum CPU fan speed. Configuration options: [Optimal] [Silent Mode] [Performance Mode]

VCORE Vol tage, 3.3V Vol tage, 5V Vol tage, 12V Vol tage

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through the onboard voltage regulators.

Fan Control [ Di sabl ed]

Allows you to enable or disable the Fan control. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

2.6Boot menu

The Boot menu items allow you to change the system boot options. Select an item then press <Enter> to display the sub-menu.

Boot settings

Boot Device Priority

Boot Settings Configuration


2.6.1 Boot Devi ce Pri ori ty

Boot Device Priority

1st Boot Device 2nd Boot Device 3rd Boot Device

[1st FLOPPY DRIVE] [Hard Drive] [ATAPI CD-ROM]

